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  • 2020年10月8日
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所有的酒后驾车都很严重, but courts often treat your first DUI differently than they do repeat DUI offenses.  Any DUI should be a wake-up call to a driver.  It’s time to ask yourself if you have a problem with alcohol, or if you simply made a poor decision to get behind the wheel after a dinner party or professional gathering where you had one too many beers or glasses of wine.

If you’re wondering what happens after your first DUI, read on to find valuable information.  Knowing your responsibilities and rights after you’ve been charged with a DUI will help you make proactive decisions that are in your own best interest.

最重要的是, you should be represented by a proven and experienced DUI lawyer who can work skillfully to try to get the charges reduced or at least achieve the most favorable outcome possible.  如果你被控酒驾请尽快聘请律师.  去了解更多丘奇是如何, 兰登, Lopp, 新奥尔巴尼的Banet法, IN, 可以帮助, call us for an initial consultation at 812-725-8224.



然而, you will likely be treated with greater leniency by the court if it is your first DUI rather than, 说, 你的第三个.  The exception to this is if a person was killed or seriously injured due to a drunk driving accident or if you had a minor passenger in the vehicle with you.  In these instances, courts come down hard on any drunk driver, even if it is their first DUI offense.

在印第安纳州,酒驾也被称为 OWI(醉酒操作).  这是典型的C级或a级轻罪.  If you are convicted of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, this is what you could face:


  • You will have to pay court costs and fees in excess of $300. 
  • 你可能会被判入狱 最长一年
  • 你可能会被罚款 最高5,000美元
  • 你的执照可能是 禁赛最多2年, or 
  • 你可能是 留用察看 and be required to enroll in, and pay for, a 药物滥用教育课程. Your license may also be suspended for a minimum of 30 days followed by a 180-day probationary period in which you can drive only for employment purposes. 
  • 你可能是 required to attend a victim impact panel. 
  • 你可能是 required to submit to urine testing for drugs and alcohol. 
  • 你还可能面临其他缓刑条款.

加强惩罚 在某些情况下.  这些包括:

  1. DUI/OWI with a passenger under the age of 18 (D类重罪)
  2. DUI/OWI causing bodily injury to another person (D类重罪)
  3. 酒驾/酒驾致他人死亡 (C级重罪)
  4. DUI/OWI with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.15%或以上 (A类轻罪)

再一次。, 你的第一次酒驾是很严重的, and the penalties above show that courts will not let a driver off the hook just because it is their first drunk driving offense.  Fines and years in prison increase substantially for habitual offenders.


根据 印第安纳州法律, this is the process you will face if you are arrested for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated:

  1. You will be handcuffed and taken to the police station.
  2. 你的车和你的人都会被搜查.
  3. 你的车将被拖走,费用由你承担.
  4. You will be asked to take a certified breath test. If you refuse, your license will automatically be suspended for one year.(隐含同意法IC 9-30-6-1) 
  5. If you take a breath test and it shows that your blood alcohol content is .08% or higher, your driver’s license will be suspended for a minimum of 30 days.
  6. To be released from jail, bail will have to be posted.

It is important that you not resist arrest or act belligerently toward a law enforcement officer.  Politely allow yourself to be taken into custody; do not try to make excuses for your actions; answer questions succinctly but otherwise 说 as little as possible; and ask for your legal right to speak to an attorney.


The maximum legal BAC limits in 印第安纳州 while driving a vehicle include:

  • 〇成年司机 Bac限值= 0.08%
  • 〇未满21岁的司机 Bac限值= 0.01%
  • 〇商业驱动力 Bac限值= 0.04%

The BAC limits are different for different drivers for important reasons.  很明显, a lower BAC among minor drivers is enforced because the legal drinking age is 21, and no one under that age should be served alcohol.  Commercial drivers face enforcement of a lower BAC because big rig trucks and large commercial vehicles can be deadly when they are driven erratically by a drunk driver.


如果你第一次酒后驾车被逮捕, calling a skilled and experienced DUI attorney should be your first priority.  The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner your attorney can protect you.  It’s important to 说 as little as possible after being taken into custody for drunk driving.  Be polite and cooperative, but do not acknowledge guilt.  Your lawyer can communicate on your behalf and advise you about what to 说 and what not to 说.  The lawyers at CLLB are both compassionate with first-time DUI clients and also straight-talking.  We will not sugar-coat the penalties you may be facing.  To find out more about how we 可以帮助 achieve the best possible outcome in your case, call us at 812-725-8224 for an initial consultation.


律师史蒂夫·兰登Licensed to practice in both 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve 兰登 is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. In addition to his litigation and trial work, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


离婚是生活中最大的压力源之一, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, especially if there are issues such as shared children, 房屋, and assets involved or grounds for contention. Even if you and your spouse agree on most issues, you need to ensure that everything is done in accordance with 印第安纳州法律, 包括满足居住要求, 填写及填写[...]